Exclusive In chat with Society Magazine - Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri
Right To Information Act
If the NREGS is the Congress weapon to lure poor voters, then the Right to Information (RTI) Act is its strategic weapon to convince the urban middle class consumer of political discourse that the government is committed to open and clean governance. There is not a shadow of doubt that – despite the usual protests about bureaucratic apathy and shenanigans – most educated Indians have deeply appreciated the RTI as a toll that can actually transform lives. Ironically, it is the poor who will benefit the most once the RTI message spreads across India and the aam aadmi starts using this weapon fearlessly. For instance, in the state of Rajasthan, countless number of poor in villages have benefitted because of ‘social’ audit of NREGS schemes where activists have used provisions of the RTI. Petty babus and politicians across India have gradually started realising that they can’t loot public money with impunity and get away. Provisions of the RTI have already unearthed numerous cases of corruption. But the real test will come when the provisions of RTI will be used to expose corruption in higher echelons of government and put the fear of God in the minds of even top politicians and bureaucrats. Sure, it’s still a long way off; but RTI is clearly an input that will add tremendous value to the basic product attribute needed by voters – transparent governance!
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2010.
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).
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